Çíàêîìñòâî ñ Linux


Óäàëåíèå òåêñòà

 êîìàíäíîì ðåæèìå êîìàíäà "x" óäàëÿåò ñèìâîë ïåðåä êóðñîðîì. Åñëè âû íàæìåòå x ïÿòü ðàç, âû çàêîí÷èòå â ñèòóàöèè:


|Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party.|

|Afterwards, we'll go out for pizza and _                           |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |


Òåïåðü íàæìèòå a, âñòàâüòå íåêîòîðûé òåêñò, à çàòåì íàæìèòå esc:


|Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party.|

|Afterwards, we'll go out for pizza and Diet Coke._                 |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |


Âû ìîæåòå óäàëÿòü öåëûå ñòðîêè, íàáèðàÿ êîìàíäó dd (ò.å. íàæèìàÿ d äâàæäû). Åñëè âàø êóðñîð íà âòîðîé ñòðîêå, è âû íàïå÷àòàëè dd,


|Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party.|

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |


×òîáû óäàëèòü ñëîâî, íà êîòîðîì íàõîäèòñÿ êóðñîð, èñïîëüçóéòå êîìàíäó dw. Ïîìåñòèòå êóðñîð íà ñëîâî ``good'' è íàïå÷àòàéòå dw.


|Now is the time for all women to come to the aid of the party.     |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |

|~                                                                  |



Ñîäåðæàíèå ðàçäåëà